Discover Your Passion

Tuesday, September 4, 2007
Posted by Adam Smth

If you are like me - not likely, since this scenario of likeness has a lower probability than winning the Powerball or MegaMillions for those on the EC - than you were reading last night and saw a link that promised to tell you what your hobby was. And you thought to yourself, yes...I need to take a quiz to discover my hobbies. And then you took it. Like I said, the odds are against all of this.

But, lacking guidance and common sense, I needed a survey to tell me what my hobby should be so I clicked on this link.

And it sucked. That's not to say it wasn't dead on. Well, it wasn't really anything at first. This was the magical response I got after submitting my answers:

It's a tie? That's [insert politically incorrect word here]. So I have a split personality? Is that a bad thing? A tie? How can there be a tie on a stupid quiz? Of course, at this point I was suckered in so I had to reexamine my choices, which I did. Three times. Three more ties. Yep. Excellent quiz writing and coding Mr. Intern. I wouldn't expect any offers to stay with Time Warner. Eventually, I made a change that released me from my state of limbo.

And, real shocker, my hobby should be tech. Thanks CNN, I can now live my life in peace knowing that setting up my parents network of TiVOs and playing the Nintendo Wii for the first time this past weekend was all part of something greater than I had imagined. The FBI is obviously surveilling my every move, and has rigged the results of the quiz to secretly warn me of this unfortunate situation.