Are You Sensible?

Saturday, March 29, 2008
Posted by Adam Smth

The British want to know just how good your senses are. You should do the sensible thing and find out....... Right Now!

20 Questions. Each question is timed. I don't recommend taking it with a child on your lap. Especially if they like to drool. Or slobber. Otherwise you might end up with a 9 out 20 sensory rating. Which is poor... 45% for those fearful of mental math.

PS. Nick, no obligatory pictures in the post, but if you take the test your eyes will be delighted by sensory images galore.

Great Grandma's House

Friday, March 28, 2008
Posted by Sara

On the Saturday before Easter, we went to Malad, Idaho to visit my Grandma Burrie. This is the grandma that we named Macey after (her middle name anyway). Macey took to Grandma right away and didn't cry when Grandma held her. We spent the day by taking Grandma to lunch and watching basketball. Adam was impressed by my Grandma's knowledge of the NCAA tournament and her willingness to let us turn on the tv to watch more hoops.

Macey and Grandma. Macey loved Grandma and was so content to sit on her lap.
Macey and Daddy watching basketball. Daddy's lap is a comfy chair.
It's a rough life for the man. A nap in the nice warm sun.....well he was napping until I took the picture.

Happy Easter!

Posted by Sara

Happy Easter! We know this is a little late, but Mrs. Van Cake had to work this week (at a job, not just at home), so the Easter pictures were a little late in getting put out.

Macey got a plastic egg, that her dad kindly ate the candy out of, to play with. Here she is examining it and wondering if she'll ever get anything that isn't pink.

Satisfied that all pink is good for now, and realizing that her dad has in fact eaten all the candy, she sticks the whole egg in her mouth. Good enough she thinks.
Here she is with Daddy. "I know that you let him eat my candy, lady, no way am I smiling for you."
She was even less impressed with the camera for Mommy because she could see that candy stealing man.
"Okay, I'm so done. I won't even look at you."

Happy Easter! We had fun celebrating by having a big breakfast, going to Church, getting callings ( Adam: Sunday School teacher for 12 year-olds---mostly girls! ha! and Sara: Assistant Bear Den leader--all boys!), and a fabulous Easter dinner at Aunt Colleen's. We were so busy visiting with everyone that we didn't get any pictures, but we thank Aunt Colleen for the wonderful food and the invite every year!

Down Goes...

Saturday, March 22, 2008
Posted by Adam Smth

To those whose champion was felled today, better luck next year.

Mr. Hanks - Congrats. You were the first to have your champion chopped down.

Bronco Billy - What can I say? At least your wife's champion can win two games.

1st Round Leader

Posted by Adam Smth

Day 2 of Round 1 was unkind to the King of Cake. So I sit in third place behind the creatively named Jim-1 and the uninspired moniker that is Bronco Billy. Early congrats to our leader who correctly picked 25 of 32 first round games (does the government have inside information?).

So far the best haircut of the tournament goes to defensive stalwart Steven Hill of the Razorbacks. Clearly the dude has style.

And Megan, even though you are in last, don't despair. Nobody else picked Xavier to win it all which leaves you with come-back-ability. If they lose, begin despairing.

And round two begins.....'Right Now!' (to be read aloud in the voice of Neil Everett).

First Foray into Solid Food

Tuesday, March 18, 2008
Posted by Sara

Today was a big day for little Maceycakes. She tried rice cereal for the first time. Lately, she has been screaming to be up at the table when we eat, and her doctor said that if she hadn't shown interest in our food by 5 months to just go ahead and start her with the rice cereal. I took the screaming to be at the table as a cue that maybe she was ready. She holds her head up extremely well for her age (always has), so sitting in the high chair was no problem for the little one.

Here she is getting ready for her first bite. Doesn't she look small in that chair?
Eating a bite. She actually did pretty well and didn't get it all over her face and clothes.

All done. I think she liked it considering she ate the whole bowl. How about that face huh?

The Many Faces of Macey

Posted by Sara

I was recently informed that my blog posting has decreased since Macey was born. The informant was particularly appalled at the lack of posting because in his words I "actually had something real to blog about." To please the peanut gallery, here are a few pictures of Macey doing her favorite things...

I usually bring Macey into my room while I shower so that I can make sure she's safe. Usually, she plays and screams until I get out. One day I got out of the shower and found her like this....

Holding her bottle on her own...she hasn't done that since this time. Her hands are too busy trying to grab Adam's beard or scratch my out!

Lately, she has been falling asleep like this. I think it is always the right arm up behind the head...

Tummy time with Dad. I didn't know this was going on. I had recently discovered Tetris on my Palm, and being the attentive parent I am, was playing a game while Adam played with Macey.

Macey loves her swing. Can you tell by this face? This is about the only documented smile I have of my girl.

Five minutes later however, she's back to her usual ways. I think she realized there was a camera around....

You've Got Two Days

Monday, March 17, 2008
Posted by Adam Smth

The Madness starts Thursday. Time to make your picks. There are two rules:

1. If you read this post, you are obligated to submit your picks here.

2. If you read this post, your significant other is now obligated to submit his/her picks here, even he/she knows nothing about basketball.

Simple enough. Now go make your picks. Right now your odds of winning are good since your current competition is me, me's significant other, and Kristy.

If this guy doesn't make you wanna play then you are probably social him. (Ed Note: I think he is mimicking the look Nick would give after I pinned him in our nonfamous <> late night wrestling forays.)

March Madness

Thursday, March 13, 2008
Posted by Adam Smth

It's March. Spring is in the air (or is that snow I see thru the window?). This can mean one thing, and one thing only. Time for the Madness to begin.

Want to get in on the bracket mania? Head on over to ESPN and sign up for my uber stellar group, aptly named Less Than Cake. The password? Appropriately, it is cakeorama.

Maybe the winner will get a prize? For the uninitiated, the Field of 64 (errr 65) won't be set until Sunday afternoon. The 16th. This Sunday. After that you can make your picks. Which you should do quickly. There'll be 1 play in game on Tuesday, and the real madness will begin Thursday.

Memory: Back in the day (read high school) the early morning first round Thursday/Friday games translated into time off from the overwhelming daily rigors of the educational gauntlet. Of course, we couldn't miss Mr. Roegenbuck's weekly Friday quiz on trigonometry so to school we went for periods 1 & 2. And to home we went for periods 3, 4, 5, & 6. It was a tough life.

Get in the action now:

Group: Less Than Cake
Password: cakeorama