First Foray into Solid Food
Tuesday, March 18, 2008Posted by
Today was a big day for little Maceycakes. She tried rice cereal for the first time. Lately, she has been screaming to be up at the table when we eat, and her doctor said that if she hadn't shown interest in our food by 5 months to just go ahead and start her with the rice cereal. I took the screaming to be at the table as a cue that maybe she was ready. She holds her head up extremely well for her age (always has), so sitting in the high chair was no problem for the little one.Here she is getting ready for her first bite. Doesn't she look small in that chair?
Eating a bite. She actually did pretty well and didn't get it all over her face and clothes.
All done. I think she liked it considering she ate the whole bowl. How about that face huh?