Happy Easter!
Friday, March 28, 2008Happy Easter! We know this is a little late, but Mrs. Van Cake had to work this week (at a job, not just at home), so the Easter pictures were a little late in getting put out.
Macey got a plastic egg, that her dad kindly ate the candy out of, to play with. Here she is examining it and wondering if she'll ever get anything that isn't pink.Satisfied that all pink is good for now, and realizing that her dad has in fact eaten all the candy, she sticks the whole egg in her mouth. Good enough she thinks.
Here she is with Daddy. "I know that you let him eat my candy, lady, no way am I smiling for you."
She was even less impressed with the camera for Mommy because she could see that candy stealing man.
"Okay, I'm so done. I won't even look at you."
Happy Easter! We had fun celebrating by having a big breakfast, going to Church, getting callings ( Adam: Sunday School teacher for 12 year-olds---mostly girls! ha! and Sara: Assistant Bear Den leader--all boys!), and a fabulous Easter dinner at Aunt Colleen's. We were so busy visiting with everyone that we didn't get any pictures, but we thank Aunt Colleen for the wonderful food and the invite every year!