Apple Cobbler Cake Mix Makes for Good Times

Saturday, October 6, 2007
Posted by Adam Smth

Pep Pep was decidedly domestic in her first go at making apple cobbler. And in case you are wondering, those would be jarred apples. Adding chunks of margarine to the mix had Pep Pep questioning her will to go on. But she got over it.

Recently diagnosed Backyard Football addict Sambo wasn't much help in the kitchen.

After successfully maneuvering past the intimidating "add margarine" step, Pep again faced her fears by pouring Sprite over top of the apple cobbler cake mix. The second wind really helped her pull through.

The apple cobbler had a meeting with the oven before we ate it. Sambo asked me not to post any pictures of the eating festivities since he has never been very good at eating. I told him he does fine, but maybe his eating style is too progressive for this blog.