She Moves.

Sunday, July 13, 2008
Posted by Adam Smth

And the 9th month brought us trouble. The thing moves now. She substitutes the army crawl and bear walk for the more conventional hands and knees technique. However, she is also very adept at sliding backwards while in the walrus position. For our more inquisitive readers, her repertoire is not lacking the 360 degree tummy spin and she has suddenly realized the value the tried and true rollover as well.

My personal favorite is attack mode. Sitting on her butt, she decides she wants something and catapults into attack mode. He chubby little feet push her up as she dives to her tummy. It is a vicious maneuver that carries more bark than bite since she doesn't move very quickly after she lands on her tummy. But it still scares most two year olds, and me, but only when it is dark.